If you're wondering what steroids are used for, they help people achieve their ideal body and lose fat as quickly as possible. When most people think of steroids, they envision a well-sculpted male athlete, but the fact is that the phrase " best steroids for women " is one of the most searched terms on Google. This provably demonstrates that females who wish to reach their fitness goals also use steroids. Sporting activities frequently involve the use of steroids, although it's true that not all female users are interested in bulky muscles; rather, they want to look sleek and substantial. Having stated that, let's look more closely at the top steroids for women to use: 1. Anvarol This one is always at the top of the list, and since it's the top steroid taken by women, we'd like to maintain it there for two key reasons, including: Anvarol both builds muscle and burns fat. It is one of the steroids that can do both very well, but there is one differe...